Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Two Weekend Hikes

7 Kids
6 Adults
5 Strollers
4 Vehicles
3 Miles
2 Hours
1 Dog
= A fun family hike day!

Last friday a friend I used to work with invited us to go hiking with them.  We were like a giant stroller army on the trail but it was a great time!

It was hard to get everyone together for a photo because of all the chaos but here's a shot of Aaron and Ben who work in the shop I used to be in.  This was a great time to check out everyone's differnt strollers and see what we would be in for if we have more kids.

Logan even decided to take a little nap along the way.

The next day my friend Wayne invited us up for a hike and then a St. Patrick's day lunch afterward.  We decided to hike from his house and up South Table in Golden.

I really didn't think I could make it while carrying Logan in the pack but it turned out great!  He had fun and waved to all the people that went by.  I got what every mom needs, great exercise and lots of sunshine!

And a shot of Wayne with his new dog, Charlie.  Fun times and I'm looking forward to a great summer.

Monday, March 5, 2012

A Play Date with Lily

We recently had a visit from our friends Christie and Lily.  Logan was pretty excited so he got a bath and his hair fixed up the night before.

The evening included a nice dinner, of course, supervised by their mothers!  Logan was very generous to offer his highchair to Lily.

He was trying extra hard to be a ham and see if he could get Lily to laugh.

At least he got a little smile...

Then he tried to impress her with the classic line "Excuse me miss, can you tell me how to get to the gun show?"

Now she's laughing!

 Then at the end of the evening they got to hang out and play with their toys.

Unfortunately, Logan couldn't quite keep up with Lily as she was headed for the stairs!

I'm sure there will be more play dates in the future as their moms like to hang out and ride bikes together.  Better luck next time!

Nebraska Trip

Last month Logan and I headed up to Nebraska to visit my grandparents for a few days.  My grandma had recently had surgery on her foot so she wasn't able to walk much so it was a lot of fun for her and Logan to hang out and play.

He was really excited to get his picture taken with Grandma Debbie!

And Great-Grandma Hansen!

He also had some fun hang-out time with Great-Grandpa Hansen.

And, of course I had to get a picture of bath time in the kitchen sink.