Saturday, February 4, 2012

Our house - 23" Winter Park - 1"

Yep, that's usually how it goes in Colorado.  If there is good snow in the mountains then it will be dry and sunny in town.  And, likewise, if there is a big storm in town then you may as well stay home and enjoy shoveling because there won't be any on the ski hill.  But this year I picked up a great pair of snowshoes at the Sniagrab and am using them right here in town! 
Mandy and I out snowshoeing this morning.

 I took this photo last night of our deck.  I like how the snow is hanging on the top of the chairs.

Logan went out yesterday too but only across the street to play at the neighbors house while Matt shoveled.  He can't move when he's in his snowsuit but he can still smile!

Lately Matt has been spending some time fixing up his dirtbike.  I would say it is to get ready for the coming dirtbike season but in his world, it is always dirtbike season.  I can say that with confidence because the last thing he said to me today is "I think I need to go outside and do something crazy on my dirtbike in all this new snow..." then he disappeared into the garage.  Here is Logan helping him get ready.  He even gets his own hammer.

We have managed to get up to Copper Mountain twice this year for some skiing.  The first trip we each went on separate days so the other could stay home.  Then we decided to try it family style.  Here is Logan hanging out at Copper Village with daddy.  He was a big hit as they walked around to all the shops while I was up skiing.

 After a couple hours of skiing for me then we traded and he got to eat and take a nap in the truck.  Overall, it was a great day for everyone.

Up until this weekends storm, the weather has been exceptionally warm here.  We try to get out for walks and ended up walking around the town and neighborhoods of Morrison.  Here we found some pretty horses for Logan to check out.

1 comment:

  1. Logan is so cute, what a happy baby he is. I love the picture of Logan in the vehicle, looks like he is driving. LOL! From Wen
