Thursday, February 12, 2009

Work ?!?!

So, I have been actually working this week. It was just a small job. Basically cut out a 5' x 16' slab of concrete, drill holes in the perimeter, insert rebar, tie it, then pour new concrete and smooth it out. The old concrete had cracks in it and they needed a sturdy foundation for one of the lift racks in the garage.

After 2.5 hours of cutting. The first piece to pull will be the small rectangle in the center. I used two pieces of stiff wire that I bent the last half-inch of at 90 degrees and insterted into the crack on each side, twisted and then pulled straight up. Came right out, then pried the rest of the pieces out. After pulling all the pieces out.

Lay out plastic on the ground then place and tie the rebar.

I didn't get any pix of pouring the concrete.

Here is the final product, the next day. Looks almost like it did a few days ago, but with a little mess around the edges. Add some oil and grime and no one will notice.

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