Me making some tele turns, probably getting ready to crash soon.

View from Jaws, over looking Telluride.

Pam stuck in a tree on Crystal from matt wiz on Vimeo.
Me, on the same slope as Pam, hanging upside down with my foot caught in a tree. I couldn't get out, Pam had to hike up and release my boot from the binding to set me free. I didn't think I was going to stop sliding. I tried to grab a tree as I passed but missed. I came to terms with sliding all the way to the bottom and bouncing off all the moguls on the way, but then I got lucky...well, I think this was luck.
We didn't know it at the time, but at the top of this run, Wayne dropped his phone out of a hole in his pocket, and on the next run down to look for it, we found it all the way at the bottom where it flattens out. He thought he saw something dark moving through the snow when he was up there, lucky for him we figured it out pretty quickly after that.

Wayne, on the first run of our second day, tearing down La Rosa, another 45 degree slope next to Crystal. You can hear his snow chunks hitting my poles.
Wayne on La Rosa from matt wiz on Vimeo.
After Wayne found his phone at the bottom, I caught Pam coming down.
Pam on Crystal from matt wiz on Vimeo.
Pam tearing up the wide open spaces.
Pam in revelation bowl from matt wiz on Vimeo.
Pam and Waying making thier way back down to the bottom at the end of the day. A few days prior to us coming there, it actually rained at the lower elevations there, and this run was nothing but ice, you can hear them sliding all the way down.
Pam and Wayne on ice skiing into Coonskin from matt wiz on Vimeo.
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